Serving Engineers Nationwide
If you’re experiencing or worried about liens, levies, garnishments, or more, now is the time to learn about your options to protect yourself and resolve your tax burden. The IRS actively pursues engineering professionals who have fallen behind on their annual tax obligations. Whether you have failed to file annual returns, missed payments of your estimated or annual taxes (as applicable), make no mistake — the IRS will eventually put you in its cross-hairs). Once that happens and the IRS is ready to move on your assets, you may lose your retirement funds, paychecks (your payments as an independent contractor ARE as risk), bank account(s), and even your car, without much time for you to take action.
The good news is that tax debt reduction programs under federal law provide real relief for engineers. But these programs can be very complex to navigate. We can help you solve your IRS related issues by leveraging the law in your favor and potentially can save you thousands of dollars. For instance, we may be able to negotiate an IRS payment plan or structure another solution, based on your individual circumstances? Either way, you are not alone and we’re ready to help, starting TODAY.
IRS Tax Debt Relief Process
The process of settling IRS debt is a lengthy one. It requires a strict adherence to time and filing requirements. You have the right to appeal a denied submission as well, including in administrative hearings or before the U.S. Tax Court. During these types of proceedings, you have the right to be represented by counsel. Don’t take on the IRS alone. Contact us today to discuss your case and we’ll quickly determine if we’re the right fit.
Getting Started is Easy as 1-2-3

Assess and discuss resolution options.

Select best option for your situation.
Schedule a Free Tax Defense Strategy Session today to learn which tax settlement options may be right for you.