Serving Remodelers Nationwide
When the IRS contacts you about a past due tax obligation, it can be a terrifying experience. Our mission is to help you restore your life and protect the remodeling company you’ve worked so hard to build. The IRS is a powerful agency, but they understand they need to offer remodeling professionals the opportunity to pay what they can afford, while still allowing them to earn a living.
Here’s the good news – we can leverage tax court findings, revenue rulings, and congressional reports to bring you into compliance while working out a reasonable tax repayment plan that works for your specific budget. It’s never easy, but by working with a tax debt attorney, you can protect your remodeling career and company from the IRS. Get the timely advice you need to stop the IRS in its tracks, and you may be able to substantially lower your debt obligation as well.
IRS Tax Debt Relief Process
The process of settling IRS debt is a lengthy one. It requires a strict adherence to time and filing requirements. You have the right to appeal a denied submission as well, including in administrative hearings or before the U.S. Tax Court. During these types of proceedings, you have the right to be represented by counsel. Don’t take on the IRS alone. Contact us today to discuss your case and we’ll quickly determine if we’re the right fit.
Getting Started is Easy as 1-2-3

Assess and discuss resolution options.

Select best option for your situation.
Schedule a Free Tax Defense Strategy Session today to learn which tax settlement options may be right for you.